Thursday, August 4, 2011

Let Them Eat Cake

From: Paris, France

I was introduced to Parisian lo-fi lectro lovers Karaocake by the legendary Everett True courtesy of the seminal website Collapseboard (if you've never visited then you really should head over there). With their vaguely disinterested female vocals surfing effortlessly over a quasi orchestral electro backdrop they sound it's like the late, lamented, Trish Keenan teaming up with Jean Michel Jarre. It's bipolar pop melancholic and yet curiously uplifting.

In an era when the masses are starved of decent music let them eat Karaocake.

Go Try

Karaocake - It Doesn't Take a Whole Week by Clapping Music
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Karaocake - Facebook : Last.FM

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It Doesn't Take A Whole Week