Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hit and Myth

Hero and Leander
From: London, United Kingdom

Hero and Leander take their name from a Greek myth about the drowning of two lovers so you might be expect their Collider EP to be full of melancholic torch songs about love and loss. Well you’d be mistaken because this London six piece serve up huge chunks of upbeat pop that sounds like it’s been specially designed to cheer the world up and help it to forget its multiple woes.

Before you listen to the EP’s title track, Collider, you need to check you’ve had all your shots because it’s so infectious it should come with a government health warning. It’s big, it’s bold, it’s rowdier than a gang of alcoholics at a beer festival and fizzier than an alka seltzer tablet in a glass of Pepsi. It grabs you by the lapels and says listen to me because your sanity may just depend on it.

After such a breath taking opening it’s a good job that the EP’s second track, One Mississippi Two, is a little slower, a little more laid back. It also comes equipped with the best whistling in an indie song since Peter Bjorn and John’s Young Folks. The EP’s penultimate track, Kettle, heads towards the middle of the road. It’s polished pop that’s smoother than cashmere and vaguely reminiscent of 10cc. Not a standard reference point for the modern indie band but one that has possibly been a little unfairly neglected. Bringing up the EP’s rear is The Thoughts Of Your Mind Puts Me To Sleep, a slither of summery pop that’ll make you want to don your Ray Bans head to the beach and grab yourself a deck chair and an ice cream.

Collider is buoyant, effervescent pop that’s more hit than myth.


This article was originally written by the Devil for The 405 and is published with permission.

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Collider - from the Collider EP, released in August by heroandleander

The Thought of Your Mind in Motion Puts Me to Sleep - from the Collider EP, released in August by heroandleander
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Hero and Leander - Facebook : Website : Last.FM

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Hero and Leander
One Mississippi Two