Monday, February 21, 2011

The Most Movie Sequels At Theater On 2011

Leominster and Fitchburg MA Entertainment News. - Theater movies sequels is a part of the film industry that is becoming a hot trend in Hollywood and others media production marketplace. Since 2000 film makers are starting banking more profits from sequels and this is because when a story and characters touch the audience emotions, people becomes instant fans and want more from those characters. Producers said they will continue doing sequels and extending a franchise until it becomes unprofitable.

The year 2003 had the most extended stories, but on 2011 that is about to change, here is the film sequels statistics:
  • 12 in 2000.
  • 10 in 2001.
  • 19 in 2002.
  • 24 in 2003.
  • 21 in 2004.
  • 15 in 2005.
  • 20 in 2006.
  • 21 in 2007.
  • 17 in 2008.
  • 20 in 2009.
  • 19 in 2010.
  • 27 in 2011.
Producers and directors are working hard to make sure their fans don't get bore by seeing the same characters with the same personality again.... Also read Top Ten Box Office Movies In Theaters.

Mark D.

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