With a week to go until the deadline I'm still trying to finalise my top three bands from the Glastonbury list and it's not helped by Miaoux Miaoux, aka 22 year old Glaswegian Julian Corrie with his potent mix of electronica, melody, magic and magnets (for all I know). Yet another artist on the far too large possibles pile!
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Knitted by miaouxmiaoux
Snow by miaouxmiaoux
He's also a prodigious remixer as this remix of fellow Glaswegian Firebrand Boy's 'Oh Deer' demonstrates...
Firebrand Boy - Oh Deer (Miaoux Miaoux remix) by miaouxmiaoux
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Miaoux Miaoux - Myspace : Last.FM : Soundcloud
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Miaoux Miaoux
Harbour Lights (Live Remix)